Friday, January 9, 2015

Stop Chasing Lies, Guy.

I posted a mostly positive comment on this guy Chase Johnsey's video (yes, a guy, not a girl, because he will never be the woman that he tries so hard to create).

He responds thus:

(GASP!  The nerve!!)


No need to pick a fight, so I simply wished him a blessed evening.

I was just explaining why being gay is a choice, not some innate behavior.  If he truly still believed many of the Bible's teachings, as he says in his video, he'd already have some clue that the gay lifestyle is a selfish, depraved mindset to which God will yield to those who persist in chasing it (Romans 1:26-28).  He also wouldn't further console himself in the lie about "Mother Nature" using homosexuality to control the human population (I mean, seriously?).

I also mentioned that homosexuality is one of many sins which God look upon unfavorably.  It's no better or worse than fornication, murder, theft, drunkenness, and idolatry (worshiping or giving attention to anything other than God -- you know, like an image of one's self in drag). I was merely commenting on how some Christians tend to separate it and judge it as a "super-sin" that deserves punishment in Super Hell.

So there.

I do pray that Chase, and all of his drag fans, come to their senses and realize how foolish they look.  He sounds like he used to follow God, so I hope he will eventually turn back toward Him.  God is merciful and longsuffering, and he wants all to come to repentance to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

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