Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Jazz Jennings

Jazz Jennings

Jazz is a 15-year-old girl from Florida, currently enjoying her time in the spotlight.  What’s so special about this young lady?  

She just so happens to be a he.

Jazz “suffers” from gender dysphoria, previously known as gender identity disorder.  At least that’s what modern psychologists want him (and everyone else) to believe.  Unfortunately, Jazz is a social engineering pawn for the Left, whether he’s aware of it or not.

For almost one hundred years, the moral fabric of Western culture was purposefully assaulted, turned upon its head by various Marxist engineers.  The normalization of sexual perversions was just one of many successful attacks against the society, weaving its path through schools, science, and the media.  These same engineers also helped organize tactics which bullied dissenters into silence, helping to further the spread of what we know as multiculturalism.

Jazz has been seen posing with popular icons of the Left such as Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and several pop icons.  They will most certainly abandon him after his usefulness for advancing the cause for transgender rights has expired. One has to wonder where these icons will be for Jazz when he undergoes the depression and confusion which usually plague transgender individuals. 

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